
Animations are notorious for being hard to test. The problem arises from the fact that normally an animation is a fire and forget change that is handled by Apple.

UIView animations

One way that we deal with animations in tests is by having a strict policy on always including a animates: bool on any function that could contain animation. We mix this with a CocoaPod that makes it easy to do animations with a boolean flag, UIView+BooleanAnimations. This provides the UIView class with an API like:

[UIView animateIf:animates duration:ARAnimationDuration :^{
    self.relatedTitle.alpha = 1;

Which gives the control whether to animate in a test or not to the animates BOOL. If this is being called inside a viewWillAppear: method for example, then you already have a bool to work with.

Core Animation

It can be tough to test a core animation

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